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This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.  1 John 5:14

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Ive talked to quite a few of my coworkers about religion and god and none of them believe or know him. Ive gone deeper into it with some, more than others but im surrounded by people who actively think jesus does not try reaching out to them or things of that nature. I just want them to have a revelation about who jesus is and how he wants a relationship with them and i just pray that the holy spirit guides me in what to say, how to say it and who to say it to.


Please pray for finances and sleep at night


My friends mom has a tumor that has been very difficult to get rid of entirely. He wont say it but i know he's worried and scared. He has 3 sibilings and he's the second oldest trying to take care of a 1 year old. I just pray for healing and that they get through this


My aunt has gone through A LOT of trauma with her family. She's not religious at all and weve had talks about christianity and i tried my best to answer some questions but she told me that she really felt the presence of someone guiding her for a split second. I feel like she's on the verge of believing but she has so much church hurt and trauma and pain from life in general i feel like she just needs a little help and ive offered so many times for her to come sometime and check out our church because it feels so different, in a good way. But shes not very excited about that idea. I know she thinks that there is a higher power but she doesnt believe that its god. Shes very smart but ive heard it before that being analytical is a curse not a gift. Shes read the bible and even studied it for a period of time in college and yet she still feels like its not translated correctly. She has genuine questions not from a view point of trying to disprove christianity but actually trying to understand. I really wish she would come so she could talk to someone more expirenced and knowledgeable


Please pray from Lindsey Burnett, my friend Jamie's spouse, recently had a stroke and is in ICU. She is intubated and has massive swelling of the brain. Doctors had to open her skull to allow for the swelling. Doctors are estimating she will be in ICU until at least September. That is the world view, please pray for God's view and that she progresses at rates that are unheard of. They are struggling financially because JaMiah has to stay with her at the hospital. They have two young kids that don't really understand what is going on with their mama. Prayers will be greatly appreciated.